Listing Courtesy of: Amanda Cole - Twig Nest Company 404-630-8080
For Sale

789 Hancock Place Braselton, GA 30517

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Single Family Residence
6 Beds
4 Baths
4,287 Sq. Ft.
0.18 Acre Lot

Property Activity

Time on Site
38 days
Days on Market
Last updated on 2/28/2025 3:46 AM
PRICE REDUCTION!!! WELCOME HOME! Beautiful, Craftsman style home in AMAZING location. Just minutes from the historic towns of Braselton and Hoschton while close to I85 and a short ride to I985. Located on a cul-de-sac lot, this home offers proximity while still having a tree-full backyard (flags... mark the property lines) accented by a stream – awesome privacy. As one enters the home, there is a well-sized office on one side of the entry and a family style, dining room on the other. Lots of custom trim and laminate flooring! The family room includes an inviting fireplace (coffered ceiling) with a view to the backyard while being open to the kitchen, breakfast room and a bedroom with a full bath (oversized shower and large vanity - lots of daylight). The kitchen includes stainless appliances and granite counters. A double door gives way to a screen-in back porch. THE SCREENED-IN BACK PORCH IS AMAZING! The perfect spot for a cup of coffee while reading your favorite book! Access to the garage is also on the main floor and includes a mud area! The stairs to the second floor are tucked behind the office and give privacy to the entrance to the second floor. Coming up the stairs one is greeted by a second living area – perfect for those late evening movies… could also be used as an office/play room. The second floor also includes a laundry room, three additional bedrooms, full bath and a primary suite. The primary suite has tons of space and lots of natural light (trey ceiling). The primary bath has a soaker tub, double vanity, separate toilet, tile flooring and a separate shower- quite the spa! LOTS of storage including a wall of shelving in an unfinished room in the basement, a wall of shelving in the garage, multiple linen closets... THE BASEMENT IS FINISHED AND IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL ASIDE FROM THE UPPER TWO LEVELS OF THE HOME. The family room has lots of natural light (looks onto patio and backyard) and is open to the kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom (laundry included). Basement has it's own HVAC and water heater. The rec facility is tucked away at the rear of the community and includes a clubhouse, swimming pool, kiddie pool, tennis courts and playground! This home offers so much – there are just not enough words! PLEASE DO NOT LET CATS OUT! Continue reading
Property Type
Single Family
4 Full
Year Built
$675 Annually
Square Feet
4,287 sq. ft
Lot Size
Public Sewer

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Median Sales Price/Sq.Ft. in 30517

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Listing Courtesy of: Amanda Cole - Twig Nest Company 404-630-8080
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Xome Broker: Andrea D. Conner
License # 367751 Xome Inc. License # 65656 844-400-XOME (9663)
750 Highway 121 Bypass, Ste 100, Lewisville, TX 75067

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This content last refreshed on 2/28/2025 3:46 AM. Some properties which appear for sale on this web site may subsequently have sold or may no longer be available.
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