Listing Courtesy of: DARRELL GUITAR - CENTURY 21 AFFILIATED 906-482-0001
For Sale

57423 Tenth Calumet, MI 49913

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Single Family Residence
5 Beds
3 Baths
1,789 Sq. Ft.
0.21 Acre Lot

Property Activity

Time on Site
172 days
Days on Market
Last updated on 2/16/2025 4:21 PM
Been looking for a nice large home with 4 or 5 bedrooms and more than one bathroom in a good and convenient location? Well consider this home. It combines original character with modern conveniences and updates. The main floor provides an opportunity for one-floor living with a living room, famil...y room, dining room, kitchen with pantry, full-bath, laundry, bedroom with lavatory (could also be an office). Through the French-style door at the back of the kitchen is a deck overlooking a lush green yard making a great extension into your outdoor living space. Upstairs are 3 to 4 good size bedrooms and a new centrally located full bath. You will notice that a full-bath was added to the second floor and a pantry and half-bath were added to the first floor after the floor plans were made that are included in the the listing photos. The Seller said the heating system redundancy has really been great for our peace of mind- especially in the winter up here. If one system were to fail for any reason, the other can heat the house decently. The flooring in the kitchen and upstairs bedroom is called Marmoleum. It is a certified green resin based product and is not the same as the plastic laminates say from Mernards. It is a plastic free product. Fruit trees in the yard both apple and cherry, plus an asparagus garden and raspberry bushes. The dirt in that yard is incredibly rich, black and loamy. The attic could provide another opportunity if finished, It is a full height, insulated with windows. This is something the seller planned to do, but just never really needed more space. This home has a country setting looking out from the back or front of the home. Yet it is just blocks from downtown Calumet, which is growing and improving. Your are also only 20 minutes from Houghton and Hancock adding to the employment, dining and shopping opportunities nearby. Michigan Tech University MTU is right there in Houghton. Don't forget there are just tons of fun things to do in the area from biking to skiing to boating and snowmobiling and much more. Here are some links to help you locate things to do from here. NOTICE: All information believed accurate but not warranted. Buyer recommended to inspect & verify all aspects of the property & bares all risks for any inaccuracies including but not limited to estimated acreage, lot location/size, square footage, utilities (availability & costs associated). Real estate taxes are subject to change (possibly significant) & municipality reassessment after sale. Buyer should NOT assume that buyerâ??s tax bills will be similar to the sellerâ??s current tax bills. Taxes are not zero. Audio/video recording devices may be present on property and entering the property shall be considered consent to be recorded. OFFERS: 72 hours response time requested on offers. See additional info below.... Continue reading
Source MLS
Originating MLS
Upper Peninsula Assoc of Realtors
Property Type
Single Family
2 Full/1 Half
Square Feet
1,789 sq. ft
Lot Size
Public Sewer

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Data through 2/17/2025.

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# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
Orange marker 57300 Rockland St, Calumet, MI 49913 3 1 900 57300 Rockland St, Calumet, MI 49913
3 Bd | 1 Ba | 900 Sqft | $109/Sqft
# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
numbered circular icon #157300 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913----$88,9005/14/202431935$95/Sqft57300 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913
3 Bd | 1 Ba | 935 Sqft | $95/Sqft
Sold: 5/14/2024
numbered circular icon #225942 Cedar, Calumet, MI 49913----$62,25012/12/202412808$77/Sqft25942 Cedar, Calumet, MI 49913
1 Bd | 2 Ba | 808 Sqft | $77/Sqft
Sold: 12/12/2024
numbered circular icon #357219 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913----$135,00011/13/2024221,238$109/Sqft57219 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913
2 Bd | 2 Ba | 1,238 Sqft | $109/Sqft
Sold: 11/13/2024
numbered circular icon #456364 US HWY 41, Calumet, MI 49913----$110,0001/2/202521796$138/Sqft56364 US HWY 41, Calumet, MI 49913
2 Bd | 1 Ba | 796 Sqft | $138/Sqft
Sold: 1/2/2025
numbered circular icon #557244 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913----$30,0003/22/202421957$31/Sqft57244 Rockland, Calumet, MI 49913
2 Bd | 1 Ba | 957 Sqft | $31/Sqft
Sold: 3/22/2024
numbered circular icon #6220 Ahmeek, Laurium, MI 49913----$127,0009/9/202421924$137/Sqft220 Ahmeek, Laurium, MI 49913
2 Bd | 1 Ba | 924 Sqft | $137/Sqft
Sold: 9/9/2024
numbered circular icon #757324 57322 Calumet Ave, Calumet, MI 49913----$75,0005/18/2023321,200$63/Sqft57324 57322 Calumet Ave, Calumet, MI 49913
3 Bd | 2 Ba | 1,200 Sqft | $63/Sqft
Sold: 5/18/2023
numbered circular icon #8466 Kearsarge, Laurium, MI 49913----$90,00010/1/2024321,139$79/Sqft466 Kearsarge, Laurium, MI 49913
3 Bd | 2 Ba | 1,139 Sqft | $79/Sqft
Sold: 10/1/2024
numbered circular icon #925642 Temple, Calumet, MI 49913----$159,00012/20/2024311,180$135/Sqft25642 Temple, Calumet, MI 49913
3 Bd | 1 Ba | 1,180 Sqft | $135/Sqft
Sold: 12/20/2024
numbered circular icon #1057493 Caledonia Steet, Calumet, MI 49913----$161,0007/11/2023211,088$148/Sqft57493 Caledonia Steet, Calumet, MI 49913
2 Bd | 1 Ba | 1,088 Sqft | $148/Sqft
Sold: 7/11/2023
Empty Column Median Label List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
invisible placeholder imageMedian Comparables$100,0009/20/2024211,023$102/Sqft
Median Comparables
2 Bd | 1 Ba | 1,023 Sqft | $102/Sqft
Sold: 9/20/2024
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The Comparable Home Sales chart is produced by analyzing a data set that contains the last 5 years of property sales within 3 miles of the subject property. Each property in this data set is analyzed on multiple factors such as square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, lot size and more to arrive at a 'Relevance Score.' Comparable properties are then ordered from most similar to least similar for comparison purposes.

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Nearby Schools for 57423 10th St

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Public Schools

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Washington Middle School 6-12 0.43 mi
C.L.K. Elementary School K-5 0.44 mi
Calumet High School 9-12 0.44 mi
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Walk Score measures the walkability of any address, Transit Score measures access to public transit on a scale of 1-100.

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Area Statistics

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Zip City County National
Population 6,869 768 37,485 329.73M
Population Density 98 3,859 37 93
People per Household 2.4 1.9 2.5 2.6
Median Age 42.7 35.8 32.8 38.4
Median Household Income $44,878 $19,028 $48,623 $69,021
Average Income $27,287 $17,611 $27,087 $37,638


Zip City County National
Unemployment 4.70 % 4.70 % 4.70 % 3.20 %
Recent Job Growth 2.79 % 2.79 % 2.79 % 1.40 %
Future Job Growth 38.19 % 38.19 % 38.19 % 42.20 %
Sales Tax 6.00 % 6.00 % 6.00 % 7.02 %
Income Tax 4.25 % 4.25 % 4.25 % 22.00 %
Cost of Living Index 79 75 83 100


Zip City County National
Altitude 1211 1214 1019 2443
Rainfall (inches annually) 31.4 31.4 31.9 38.1
Snowfall (inches annually) 207.6 207.6 200.3 27.8
January Avg. Low Temp 6.6 6.6 6.9 21.7
July Avg. High Temp 75.6 75.6 75.7 85.8
Days of Precipitation Annually 153 153 151 106
Days Mostly Sunny Annually 186 188 186 205
Comfort Index (during hot weather) 5 5 5 7
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Source: Sperling's Best Places

Median Sales Price/Sq.Ft. in 49913

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Source: Xome Licensing (Xome CT LLC via, in part, its MLS licenses). Data through 2/1/2025.

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Listing Courtesy of: DARRELL GUITAR - CENTURY 21 AFFILIATED 906-482-0001
Andrea D. Conner, License 6502432340, Xome Inc., License 6505376883,, 844-400-XOME (9663), 71 Walnut, Suite 206, Rochester, MI 48307

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This content last refreshed on 2/16/2025 4:21 PM. Some properties which appear for sale on this web site may subsequently have sold or may no longer be available.
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