Listing Courtesy of: Rogan White - Useppa Property Company Inc. 239-283-4227
For Sale
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328 Useppa Useppa Island, FL 33924

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Single Family Residence
5 Beds
4 Baths
2,992 Sq. Ft.
0.33 Acre Lot

Property Activity

Time on Site
53 days
Days on Market
Last updated on 2/26/2025 7:20 PM
#328 "Paddle to the Sea" is located on private Useppa Island, upon one the highest points of elevation in Lee County, providing for bird's-eye sunset views of the water, with 24' of elevation at the first of three living floors. This commanding 5-bedroom, 4-bath home just underwent a thorough renova...tion, revitalizing it to the point of feeling like new, while bringing all elements up to current code. New kitchen, bathrooms, roof, generator, interior finishes, exterior siding and trim, impact windows/doors are a few notable improvements among many made within the last year, a detailed list of which can be provided. Offered furnished, with two golf carts, this is an ultimate family escape ready to move into and enjoy with pride. Enter the front door beyond a large live-oak tree standing sentry alongside the eastern walkway, and you'll find yourself in the foyer, with the option to go down to the guest rooms, or up to the primary living room & kitchen. Four guest rooms and two full bathrooms occupy the entire first living floor, each with access to the lowest level of a 2-story wrap around screen porch which encircles the home. The second floor contains the Great Room with its high ceilings, a fireplace with ventless propane setting, a new kitchen with all new appliances, bar with beverage cooler and powder room, all surrounded by new impact rated French doors which lead out to the wrap around screened porch. The dominating tropical views of Useppa Island and water to the west are in full effect at this level , offering a picturesque backdrop throughout. The views only get better as you go up to the 3rd-floor Master Suite, which is among the highest living space on Useppa Island, and wrapped in 360 degrees of windows. There is no bad view from the Master, and it possesses a private open balcony to the west, with a remarkable sunset perspective. Below the living space exists a massive open-air screened & decked area perfect for games, grilling, chilling and storage. Included is a large workshop/utility room with benches and plenty of space for tools, toys and fishing gear. With an enclosed stairwell offering direct access to the home's interior, you'll have easy access to/from the living space to watch a big game while grilling, or to access one of the two included Club Car golf carts. This ground floor space is at 14' of elevation, offering potential to enclose as air-conditioned living space if the need arises, or tied into a private pool, if one was to be installed at the rear of the home. An island-home possessing the qualities found at "Paddle to the Sea" is a challenge to replicate in Florida. The entirety of the parcel is outside the floodway in an "X" flood-zone, yet there are views of water and you're within a short golf cart ride to your boat at the Useppa marina. Completely renovated with top-notch finishes and design, all of the heavy lifting has been taken care of for its new owner, who can focus on their new island lifestyle. Continue reading
Property Type
Single Family
3 Full/1 Half
Year Built
Square Feet
2,992 sq. ft
Lot Size
Other, Public Sewer

Price History for 328 Useppa

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Price History provides changes in price over time for the specified property, where available.

Event Date Price Change Source
Sold6/12/2018$235,000Public Records
Sold3/15/2017$90,000Public Records
Sold1/24/2003$235,700Public Records
Sold1/26/1995$10,000Public Records
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Source: Xome Licensing (Xome CT LLC via, in part, its MLS licenses).
Data through 2/27/2025.

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Rental Valuation Estimate for 328 Useppa

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Vacancy Rate: The vacancy percentage, based on the number of available rental properties in the area over the past 12 months, calculated based on similar properties. (It doesn't consider a property's specific condition or renovations.)
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The Xome Value displayed in connection with a property is computer-generated by the application of various proprietary mathematical formulas and techniques using currently available local market, licensed and proprietary data. The displayed Xome Value is not prepared or provided by a licensed appraiser, does not constitute an appraisal of the subject property, and should not be relied upon as such. Data used to generate the Xome Value does not include information that could be derived from a visible inspection of the subject property and its surroundings. The condition of a property can materially affect the accuracy of a property's Xome Value. The data, and information derived from such data, in a Xome Value is provided on an "AS AVAILABLE" and "AS IS" basis and is provided for informational purposes only. Although we have attempted to provide reliable data and use reliable methodologies in providing a property's Xome Value, Xome Inc., its affiliates and their respective members, directors, officers and employees make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of a property's Xome Value on any specific date and expressly disclaim the obligation to update such value. All uses of the Xome Value are at the user's sole risk, and shall be for personal, non-commercial use and for no other purpose. Xome Inc., its affiliates and their respective members, directors, officers and employees are not liable for the accuracy of a property's Xome Value or any information related thereto. Your use of Xome Value must in all cases comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Comparable Home Sales for 328 Useppa

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# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
Orange marker 631 Rum Rd, Captiva, FL 33924 4 4 1,920 631 Rum Rd, Captiva, FL 33924
4 Bd | 4 Ba | 1,920 Sqft | $911/Sqft
# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
numbered circular icon #14440 Smugglers Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$805,00011/15/2024321,296$621/Sqft4440 Smugglers Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 2 Ba | 1,296 Sqft | $621/Sqft
Sold: 11/15/2024
numbered circular icon #24480 Panama Shell Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$1,590,0004/26/2024341,980$803/Sqft4480 Panama Shell Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 4 Ba | 1,980 Sqft | $803/Sqft
Sold: 4/26/2024
numbered circular icon #34510 Schooner Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$1,002,0007/24/2024431,652$607/Sqft4510 Schooner Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
4 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,652 Sqft | $607/Sqft
Sold: 7/24/2024
numbered circular icon #44591 Hodgepodge Lane, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$757,50010/3/2024331,911$396/Sqft4591 Hodgepodge Lane, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,911 Sqft | $396/Sqft
Sold: 10/3/2024
numbered circular icon #5560 Gulf Lane, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$1,695,00012/19/2024231,650$1027/Sqft560 Gulf Lane, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
2 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,650 Sqft | $1027/Sqft
Sold: 12/19/2024
numbered circular icon #6552 Longboat Circle, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$923,0007/24/2023331,787$517/Sqft552 Longboat Circle, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,787 Sqft | $517/Sqft
Sold: 7/24/2023
numbered circular icon #74541 Oyster Shell Drive, Captiva, FL 33924----$745,0007/26/2024331,592$468/Sqft4541 Oyster Shell Drive, Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,592 Sqft | $468/Sqft
Sold: 7/26/2024
numbered circular icon #8180 White Pelican Dr, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$1,313,0005/7/2024431,873$701/Sqft180 White Pelican Dr, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
4 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,873 Sqft | $701/Sqft
Sold: 5/7/2024
numbered circular icon #94531 Cutlass Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$542,1378/15/2023331,604$338/Sqft4531 Cutlass Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
3 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,604 Sqft | $338/Sqft
Sold: 8/15/2023
numbered circular icon #10412 Gulf Bend Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924----$2,000,0005/13/2024431,807$1107/Sqft412 Gulf Bend Drive, Upper Captiva, FL 33924
4 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,807 Sqft | $1107/Sqft
Sold: 5/13/2024
Empty Column Median Label List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
invisible placeholder imageMedian Comparables$962,5006/18/2024331,720$614/Sqft
Median Comparables
3 Bd | 3 Ba | 1,720 Sqft | $614/Sqft
Sold: 6/18/2024
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The Comparable Home Sales chart is produced by analyzing a data set that contains the last 5 years of property sales within 3 miles of the subject property. Each property in this data set is analyzed on multiple factors such as square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, lot size and more to arrive at a 'Relevance Score.' Comparable properties are then ordered from most similar to least similar for comparison purposes.

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Nearby Schools for 328 Useppa

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The Sanibel School PK-8 12.07 mi
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Walk Score measures the walkability of any address, Transit Score measures access to public transit on a scale of 1-100.

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Area Statistics

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Zip City County National
Population 225 163 752,251 329.73M
Population Density 31 138 961 93
People per Household 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.6
Median Age 38.3 38.1 48.9 38.4
Median Household Income N/A $185,104 $63,235 $69,021
Average Income $42,354 $42,365 $37,550 $37,638


Zip City County National
Unemployment 2.40 % 2.40 % 2.40 % 3.20 %
Recent Job Growth 4.14 % 4.14 % 4.14 % 1.40 %
Future Job Growth 64.00 % 64.00 % 64.00 % 42.20 %
Sales Tax 6.50 % 6.50 % 6.50 % 7.02 %
Income Tax 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 22.00 %
Cost of Living Index 233 253 114 100


Zip City County National
Altitude 3 3 14 2443
Rainfall (inches annually) 53.4 53.4 53.4 38.1
Snowfall (inches annually) 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.8
January Avg. Low Temp 52.6 52.6 52.4 21.7
July Avg. High Temp 92.0 92.0 91.9 85.8
Days of Precipitation Annually 111 111 109 106
Days Mostly Sunny Annually 266 266 266 205
Comfort Index (during hot weather) 6 6 6 7
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Source: Sperling's Best Places

Median Sales Price/Sq.Ft. in 33924

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Median Sales Price Per Square Foot provides a quick, high-level way to evaluate appreciation or depreciation of property values over time in the selected area. Using the price per square foot can help you estimate a properties' market value.

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The median price represents a midpoint for property values in the market — half of the properties sold for a higher price and half sold for lower. The median value (as opposed to average) is used so that extreme sales prices, both high and low, don't skew the interpretation of where property values in a market are heading.

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Months of Supply in 33924

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This chart shows how many months it would take to sell the available inventory in the specified market. A higher Months of Supply generally indicates a buyer's market while a lower Months of Supply generally indicates a seller's market.

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Source: Xome Licensing (Xome CT LLC via, in part, its MLS licenses). Data through 2/1/2025.

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Useppa Island, FL
Listing Courtesy of: Rogan White - Useppa Property Company Inc. 239-283-4227
Andrea Conner, License #BK3437731, Xome Inc., License #1043756,, 844-400-9663, 750 State Highway 121 Bypass, Suite 100, Lewisville, TX 75019

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The source of the foregoing property information is a database compilation of an organization that is a member of the Southwest Florida Multiple Listing Service. Each Southwest Florida Multiple Listing Service member organization owns the copyright rights in its respective proprietary database compilation, and reserves all such rights. Copyright © 2025. The foregoing information including, but not limited to, any information about the size or area of lots, structures, or living space, such as room dimensions, square footage calculations, or acreage is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted or guaranteed. This information should be independently verified before any person enters into a transaction based upon it.
This content last refreshed on 2/26/2025 7:20 PM. Some properties which appear for sale on this web site may subsequently have sold or may no longer be available.
Information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.