Listing Courtesy of: Cathy Hoppough - KW Rivertown Hoppough 616-523-4300
Sold on 1/16/2025

323 Harter Ionia, MI 48846

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Single Family Residence
3 Beds
2 Baths
1,559 Sq. Ft.
0.11 Acre Lot

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100 days
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Last updated on 2/19/2025 2:13 AM
First time on the market - 0ne of those adorable homes you have always driven by and wondered if the inside is as cute as the outside.........IT IS!!!! Immaculately maintained and tastefully decorated - all of the older home charm with hardwood floors and open stairway. Modern conveniences of stainl...ess steel appliances and many updates throughout. Garage and main floor laundry are big pluses. Private deck with pergola - plus a charming front porch. This one won't last!! Continue reading
Source MLS
Originating MLS
Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS
Property Type
Single Family
1 Full/1 Half
Square Feet
1,559 sq. ft
Lot Size
Public Sewer

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Listing Courtesy of: Cathy Hoppough - KW Rivertown Hoppough 616-523-4300
Andrea D. Conner, License 6502432340, Xome Inc., License 6505376883,, 844-400-XOME (9663), 71 Walnut, Suite 206, Rochester, MI 48307

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This content last refreshed on 2/19/2025 2:13 AM. Some properties which appear for sale on this web site may subsequently have sold or may no longer be available.
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