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8950 Ky Highway 16 Verona, KY 41092

Religious, Church, Worship (Synagogue, Temple, Parsonage) Residence
0 Beds
0 Baths
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8950 Ky Highway 16, Verona, KY is a religious, church, worship property that contains 0 Sq. Ft. sq ft.
Parcel #
Lot Size
217,800 Sq. Ft.
Property Type
Religious, Church, Worship (Synagogue, Temple, Parsonage)
Living Area Sq. Ft.
0 Sq. Ft.
Year Built

Comparable Home Sales for 8950 Ky Highway 16

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Comparable nearby sales are a major factor used by the Xome Value® to estimate the value of a home.

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# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
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# Address List Price List Date Sold Price Sold Date Beds Baths Sqft Price/Sqft Mobile Summary Mobile Price
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The Comparable Home Sales chart is produced by analyzing a data set that contains the last 5 years of property sales within 3 miles of the subject property. Each property in this data set is analyzed on multiple factors such as square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, lot size and more to arrive at a 'Relevance Score.' Comparable properties are then ordered from most similar to least similar for comparison purposes.

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Median Sales Price/Sq.Ft. in 41092

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Median Sales Price Per Square Foot provides a quick, high-level way to evaluate appreciation or depreciation of property values over time in the selected area. Using the price per square foot can help you estimate a properties' market value.

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The median price represents a midpoint for property values in the market — half of the properties sold for a higher price and half sold for lower. The median value (as opposed to average) is used so that extreme sales prices, both high and low, don't skew the interpretation of where property values in a market are heading.

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Months of Supply in 41092

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This chart shows how many months it would take to sell the available inventory in the specified market. A higher Months of Supply generally indicates a buyer's market while a lower Months of Supply generally indicates a seller's market.

Show: For Sale and Sold
Months of Supply
For Sale
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Source: Xome Licensing (Xome CT LLC via, in part, its MLS licenses). Data through 3/1/2025.
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