Last evaluated 3/5/2025
$229,437 High Range
$167,727 Low Range

1006 Western Ave Mosinee, WI 54455

Commercial (General) Residence
0 Beds
0 Baths
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1006 Western Ave, Mosinee, WI is a commercial property that contains 0 Sq. Ft. sq ft and was built in 1987.
Parcel #
Lot Size
0 Sq. Ft.
Property Type
Commercial (General)
Living Area Sq. Ft.
0 Sq. Ft.
Year Built

Median Sales Price/Sq.Ft. in 54455

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Median Sales Price Per Square Foot provides a quick, high-level way to evaluate appreciation or depreciation of property values over time in the selected area. Using the price per square foot can help you estimate a properties' market value.

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The median price represents a midpoint for property values in the market — half of the properties sold for a higher price and half sold for lower. The median value (as opposed to average) is used so that extreme sales prices, both high and low, don't skew the interpretation of where property values in a market are heading.

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Months of Supply in 54455

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This chart shows how many months it would take to sell the available inventory in the specified market. A higher Months of Supply generally indicates a buyer's market while a lower Months of Supply generally indicates a seller's market.

Show: For Sale and Sold
Months of Supply
For Sale
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Source: Xome Licensing (Xome CT LLC via, in part, its MLS licenses). Data through 3/1/2025.

Tax History for 1006 Western Ave

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Year Property Taxes Change Tax Assessment Change
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Data sourced from public records, where available.

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Area Statistics

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Zip City County National
Population 17,700 8,257 137,597 329.73M
Population Density 76 160 89 93
People per Household 2.5 2.7 2.4 2.6
Median Age 40.2 38.5 40.8 38.4
Median Household Income $82,780 $94,155 $67,940 $69,021
Average Income $40,178 $44,665 $36,172 $37,638


Zip City County National
Unemployment 2.00 % 2.00 % 2.00 % 3.20 %
Recent Job Growth 1.38 % 1.38 % 1.38 % 1.40 %
Future Job Growth 34.98 % 34.98 % 34.98 % 42.20 %
Sales Tax 5.50 % 5.50 % 5.50 % 7.02 %
Income Tax 6.27 % 6.27 % 6.27 % 22.00 %
Cost of Living Index 95 97 90 100


Zip City County National
Altitude 1162 1197 1306 2443
Rainfall (inches annually) 32.7 32.7 31.8 38.1
Snowfall (inches annually) 56.1 56.1 53.5 27.8
January Avg. Low Temp 5.4 5.4 4.4 21.7
July Avg. High Temp 79.8 79.8 79.8 85.8
Days of Precipitation Annually 126 126 121 106
Days Mostly Sunny Annually 186 188 188 205
Comfort Index (during hot weather) 6 6 6 7
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Source: Sperling's Best Places
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